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Posts Tagged 'debt collection attorneys'

We are pleased to present below all posts tagged with 'debt collection attorneys'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Understanding the Debt Collection Process in South Africa

In South Africa, the debt collection process is governed by strict laws designed to protect the interests of all parties involved. Whether you are a business trying to recover debts or an individual facing debt recovery actions, knowing the legal framework is essential.

Nip the Funds in the Bud - Freezing Accounts in Execution of Judgments

There are various ways of executing court-issued judgments against the debtor in order to satisfy the judgment, with the most common being where the debtor settles the judgment debt by way of monetary payment, sale in execution of assets owned by the judgment debtor, issuing of a garnishee order or the issuance of an emoluments attachment order

Affordability Assessment - How Far Should Credit Providers Go?

A significant number of South Africans are finding it challenging to honour their debt obligations, thereby resulting in some being declared over-indebted. To curtail this state of affairs, the National Credit Act places an obligation on credit providers to undertake affordability assessments before granting credit to consumers.

What is the Debt Collection Procedure in South Africa?

Our courts have certain requirements with regards to debt collection in South Africa. These can be broken down into different stages. In this article our attorneys explain the nine stages for you.

Prescribed Debt in South Africa – Collecting a Debt Years Later

Prescribed debt is debt that is no longer valid as it has not been recognised or pursued by the creditor, nor acknowledged or paid by the debtor for more than 36 months.

Payment Holidays Offered by South African Banks Due to COVID-19

With South Africa currently in lockdown, many of the major South African banks are offering payment holidays for their clients. The financial implications that follow in COVID-19’s wake are unmatched by any other crisis faced by our country and financial institutions have geared up to do their bit to help consumers get through these difficult times.

Collection Attorney - What to do about a non-levy payment?

If levies are not collected, the sectional title scheme will not be able to survive thus the importance of this task is highlighted. 


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